You love our one-off experimental brews and so do we. From these we develop and grow our brewing skills and keep things lively.
Feral hop stripping in the garden
We’ve created over 100 thus far and they have demanded a variety of techniques and featured a whole host of different ingredients including: hops sourced from England, Eastern Europe, USA, Australia and New Zealand; dehusked malts from Europe, spelt and rye; yeast strains from England, Norway, Belgian and USA; locally roasted coffee and locally produced honey; allotment grown rhubarb and pumpkin; garden grown and feral fresh hops; fruits and elderflowers; as well as the occasional sprinkling of spices and some barrel ageing and sniffing.
Seb & Col drinking from the fountain of youth
Using water from an ancient source at the Chedworth Roman Villa we created a unique ale called Beerus Britannicus for the National Trust; a substantial 4.8% deep-bodied red ale with a malty backbone and aromatic mosaic hops that would keep up the spirits of any Roman soldier.
Dan and Ali brewing up some MAD 500
Decimal Gaz and Magical Matt...here's to another 10 years!
We have created the occasional celebratory brew too, including a number of tasty Festival Ales for the Phoenix Festival; M.A.D. 500 for The Marlborough Arms to mark the 500 beers they pulled through their pumps in their first full year; Tenth X to celebrate Decimal’s 10th anniversary; Abbey 900 Ale as part of the Abbey 900 Festival; Luna Hops as part of the Cotswold Hare Festival; Friendship Ale in support of the community friendship initiative being forged between Cirencester and the City of Bathurst, NSW Australia; John Barleycorn a beer of resurrection, as part of the John Barleycorn Must Die New Brewery Arts exhibition; Cirencester Farmers’ Market 20th Anniversary Ale; Rendcomb College Centenary Ale Saul’s Toe!...and there were and will be many more!
Roman Fact: In AD 110 a soldier on Hadrian’s Wall earned just over 13 assess* a day – enough to buy 325 pints of beer!
*An ass was a large copper Roman coin worth 1/16 of a Denarius